
Thursday, November 26, 2009


1. Surfactants 1
Types of surfactants, HLB concept.

2. Surfactants 2
Liquid crystals: lyotropic systems.

3. Introduction to Colloid 1

Types of colloidal systems.

4. Introduction to Colloid 2
Types of emulsions.

5. Stability of Colloid 1
Factors affecting stability:
electrical stabilisation, steric stabilisation.

6. Stability of Colloid 2

Destabilisation of colloidal systems: coalescence, flocculation.

7. Characterisation of Colloid 1

Microscopic and macroscopic observations

8. Characterisation of Colloid 2

Particle sizing, zeta potential, viscosity

9. Electrokinetic Properties of Colloid 1

Electrical double layer, repulsive effect of double layer, potential energy of interaction.

10. Electrokinetic Properties of Colloid 2
Electrokinetic phenomena, zeta potential

11. Rheology 1
Measurements and application of rheology in pharmacy, effect of rheological properties on bioavailability.

12. Rheology 2
Effect of aggregation/flocculation, influence of emulsifier concentration, effect of concentration on viscosity.

13. Rheology 3

Newtonian fluids: viscosity values, boundary layers, laminar & turbulent flows, measurement of flow.

14. Rheology 4
Non-Newtonian fluids: types of behaviour i.e. plastic, pseudoplastic & dilatant flow, determination of flow properties, viscoelasticity, suspensions.

15. Particle Size 1

Particle size distribution: Number and volume averages, polydispersity.

16. Particle Size 2
Sizing: Coulter principle.

17. Particle Size 3

Sizing: Hydrodynamic chromatography, sieving, microscopy.

18. Particle Size 4
Sizing: Laser diffraction and photon correlation spectroscopy.

19. Polymer Systems 1
Introduction, types of polymers, biodegradable polymers.

20. Polymer Systems 2
Molecular weight averages,
Function of polymers, polymer solutions and properties.

21. Polymer Systems 3

Polymers in solid state: crystallinity, morphology.

22. Polymer Systems 4

Thermal transition of polymers, applications.

23. Mixing 1
Theory of mixing, types of mixtures, mixing process.

24. Mixing 2
Mixing of powders: mechanisms of mixing,
segregation, ordered mixing.

25. Mixing 3
Mixing of liquids and suspensions,
mixing of semi-solids.

26. Mixing 4
Examples of industrial mixers.

27. Size Exclusion Chromatography 1
Retention mechanisms, types.

28. Size Exclusion Chromatography 2
Separation of proteins, applications,

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